Our Story

Haki group, Non-Profit Organization

Haki Community Based Organization (HAKI GROUP) is a registered community based organization formed in 2005 with a group of volunteers who pulled together their resource to address pertinent issues around HIV and AIDS targeting Orphaned children, Youth, Women and People Living with HIV and AIDS. The driving force behind the formation of the organization was a desire by the founders to mitigate the effects of HIV and AIDS, prevention of new infection and provide care and support to infected and affected families.

Our Mission

To join other like-minded organization in the fight against HIV and AIDS pandemic and facilitate a conducive environment to achieve the goals

  • Charity always
  • We serve

Charles Ogutu


“The word RESILIENCE has been used to characterize diverse groups and movements throughout history and the world, but it has rarely applied to us all at the same moment.

Though it may have felt to some of us that the world came to a halt at the beginning of 2020, for most daily struggles intensified and new challenges emerged.

Make an impact.
Save lives.

Our Causes

Education and Youth empowerment

Youth in Kibra lack access to quality education and enrichment opportunities, and the absence of these community resources correlate with high rates of violence, teenage pregnancy, substance misuse, and sexually transmitted diseases and infections.

Raised: $1,850

Goal: $32,000

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Though the COVID-19 pandemic has affected nearly every person in the world in some way, those living in informal settlements like Kibra continue to experience challenges disproportionately. Characterized by overcrowding, high unemployment rates, food insecurity, and a lack of access to basic services such as healthcare and clean water, Kibra is a vulnerable environment where residents are at a high-risk of infection.

Raised: $1,250

Goal: $60,000

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Social justice and Advocacy

Identification and handling of cases through Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR),Community awareness on human rights, Right club program in schools, Psychosocial support services, Legal Aid Clinic, Case conference and Referrals. Increasing women's participation in decision making Patience undertakes several strategic activities that encourage and support women to participate in the on-going leadership processes. These activities include; Advocacy campaigns through radio programs and poster messages on women's rights

Raised: $1,600

Goal: $100,000

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Become a volunteer today

About Volunteering

We organize training workshops specifically, aiming at enhancing the knowledge and building capacity of the community members on Life skills


October 12, 2022

By Admin


The little we have we share. Sharing is caring

October 20, 2022

By Admin


Sarangombe, Makina, Soweto and Kiandaa.

Happy beneficiaries

Get in touch

Clara Barton

HR & Office Manager

Contact Infomation

Kibra Hawkers Market, Kenya



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Or, you can just send an email: info@hakigroup.com